You are a Princess when your Father is King of Kings!! :)

"May today there be peace within you. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and in others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." -Author unknown

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have typically found that a lot of people are taken back when it comes to discussing their spirituality, or religion as spirituality is generally categorized.  I don't like the word religion, because it is not about doing things just to 'do them,' it is about relationship.  If my husband was a robot and just went through the motions daily, no dialogue, no conversation, just the same phrases/motions every day well first of all, we would NOT be married, second of all, it would not be a relationship, it would merely be one way- LOL.  Our relationship with God is supposed to be the same way...not focused on what the world calls religion, but rather focusing on getting to know Him, He already knows us full well.  He wants nothing more than for a relationship with his sons and daughters.  In fact, at church this past weekend ( was defined by our senior pastor, Brad Powell, (click here for his personal blog: as conecting our spirit with our creator and his Son Jesus Christs spirit.  In order to connect, there must be a relationship.  We ALL know how to have relationships.  Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad (at fault by us, the humans, not him the perfect being) and that is ok.  I have found through lots of different trial and errors that He always meets us where we are.  If we have the faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20) and a mustard seed is pretty friggin small...He is still willing to work with our worked up selves :)  Just imagine, that if you have faith the size of an elephant (compared to a mustard seed....pretty big) How He will work in your life!
Ok, so with that said let me explain this prelude.  I have no idea who, if anyone, will ever read this blog.  Those who know me best, already know what to expect and know my heart and motives when it will come to any kind of 'spiritual moment' entry.  Those who don't... well then, this note is for you.
We live in a fallen world, one where we are more concerned with being politically correct and pleasing or non-offensive to others than voicing our opinion, and/or truth about the one topic in this world that affects every single one of us whether we accept it, want to believe, get it, embrace it, like it or not.  We (many of us) think, I better not update my Facebook status, or tweet anything regarding my religion because I may offend someone.  What will people think...if they know the real me?  Really?  I mean, Really?  Who cares!  Who is our audience after all!  (Shout out to my princess posse if they are reading, I say this all the time *smile*)
Let's be real, no one gets out of life alive.  We all eventually die.  So, isn't that grounds to discuss a matter such as this?  Isn't that enough ground to get excited about it?  Isn't that enough to tell others what we learned?  Isn't that enough to do a little dance?  We can dance when our favorite team scores a touchdown (...not much of that going on in Detroit, luckily I'm a Cowboys fan! Simmer for those who have jokes on the Cowboys!) but we can't jump up and down when we receive a special blessing?  We can fight and lobby to save the dolphins (...don't worry, I too love the dolphins),  or support our favorite politician- make buttons, campaign signs, make donations big and small, we can fight to keep our emissions low to help global warming, buy organic, buy local ETC. but we can't or won't talk about saving HUMAN lives?  I will never fully get that.  Ok, I guess I can say, I'll never abide by that because look, I get it.  I already said, we live in a broken world.  People are hurt, confused, angry, desperate for answers and sometimes the easiest way 'out' is to just ignore it.  Pretend we don't exist in a world that was created by something.  Even evolutionist can't explain where the original 'thing/animal' came from.  Big Bang?  Pa-lease.  But honestly, I get it, we are humans, we have emotions- we are hurting.  We all have a desire to want to stand for something.  You better stand for something, or you might fall for anything.  Now, I'm not saying it is bad to believe in specific causes that are close to our hearts.  I think that is a necessity.  I personally am an organic loving, non-vaccinating all at the same time kind of MOM.  I'm simply stating why is it ok to openly feel so strongly about these issues rather than the one that determines all of our fate. on gets out alive.  We don't hear people at the dinner or cocktail party saying "How dare you walk the 3-Day walk in support of fighting breast cancer" or "I really don't think we should support locally made products" why not look at our relationship the same way?  I don't mean to come across cocky, but I am confident that my God is living and true.  How?  Well you'll just have to follow to find out, I'm sure I'll share testimonies.  The Bible is not some ancient fairy tale, it is still truth and applicable towards our lives today.  We may not have fig trees in our back yard or Ox's to offer as sacrifice...but that was applicable in 'those days'.  Today, He shows us many new ways of application to the same word that Daniel, Noah, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John knew about.  TRUST ME when I can NOT make this stuff up.  :-)

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