You are a Princess when your Father is King of Kings!! :)

"May today there be peace within you. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and in others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." -Author unknown

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Voice of a Princess?

No, not like Kate Middleton although I don't mind if you brew a cup of tea and pretend that I have a British accent.  That might make the blog a bit more fun anyway- LOL!   The title Voice of a Princess is inspired by my passion (some might conclude obsession) of loving our creator, our God, our Father who is King of Kings.  If he is a King, and he is indeed my father (he created me per Psalm 139:13-14)  then certainly I am a princess!  I really have no clue what I am doing creating a blog, I am not a 'tech' person, I can not spell to save my life (Toledo Public schools I tell you....) and sometimes I have a hard time putting to words what I feel.  BUT I really feel that sometimes when I get going, when I'm fired up,  I am lead by the spirit and can come up with some stuff I look back and go "where the heck did that come from?"  The answer was previously stated...lead by the spirit.  So, I am willing to give the blogging world a try, I am sure it will consist quite a bit of  throwing it at the wall to see if it sticks.  Learned and practiced that well in my Quicken days.  Some entries may slide down like water leaving no real impact, some may be bold and bright like when you walk by you just can't miss it!  I was never really one to journal in my younger, less mature days, but then a few years ago I found that I had a bunch of random notebooks, journals with scattered thoughts all over the place.  I wanted to document things to help me remember life as it passed me by.  I swear I often have temporary amnesia.  There are days I walk into a room and go "what was I coming in here for?"  I know, we all do this.  There are days that are rough and I have temporary amnesia of how good the previous day was.  There are days that just R-O-C-K but that dang amnesia gets in the way....I look back in hindsight wishing I had documented the every detail.  Why?  Because on those off days, those tough days, those days where it is snowing in mid April (wth?!) I need something to remind me that Life is still good.  God is good all the time, all the time, God is good.  If God is good, then life is good too.  It is what we make it.  That amnesia just doesn't always let me think this way.  I try my best to be a glass half full rather than half empty kind of princess but...we all have days. 
SO game plan....come up with a documentation of my chaotic thoughts.  Organize it from my yellow 5 subject binder into some sort of 21st century journal AKA a blog.  Have hopes that me living my life out loud via cyber space may make someone laugh (especially if you are still reading this with a British accent), make a family member smile at a Kaylee story, may inspire someone to get to know their creator a little bit more than they already do, that this blog may be therapeutic for the writer (me!), that it may be passed on in a documented kind of way to my descendants so they know their heritage.  When Kaylee is older and she throws something at the wall and it sticks like Glue (yes, I'm a Sugarland lover by heart!) she can easily say I get that from  my momma ;) 
Don't worry if you are reading this and you are thinking "Oh gosh, here she goes on her Jesus lovin escapade"  Yes, I wear shirts that read "Jesus is my homeboy" and my relationship with my homeboy takes first precedent over everything else in my life...but this organization of chaos will consist of many different aspects.  I have a ginormous bucket list, I like to think (although my husband disagrees) that I can have a sense of humor at times, I take life very serious, but I like to have fun at the same time and let things loose when needed.  I may share recipes, ask for recipes, I may share funny moments (trust me, in my world there is always something), I am SURE I will share mommywood stories, and I may make some commentary about celebrities or a good TV show- I heart Bethany Frankel and The Bachelor <3

After all, this is my voice.  If you are like me and find yourself with nothing better to do (the laundry, work, workout, cleaning can all wait....) then to take a break from your own real world & would rather read up on others life stories than this is just the place for you!

Much Love....
Princess KK


  1. im your first follower!!!! love you and miss you oxoxxox

  2. YES!!! So excited =D You rock sister, lylt!
