If you want to see the rain...you must fill up the clouds first!
As we near the finish line of this process to enter the domestic adoption pool, I thought that I better start documenting some of this! It's kind of like starting the baby book now I suppose! If I had any male readers at all...I just lost them- LOL! But hang in there, trust me, this is not going to be the typical book...I mean who are we kidding, I am learning quickly nothing is typical in my/our life and that is why we love it most! When I was pregnant, I found it therapeutic to document how I was feeling & what symptoms I was having. I documented my weight gain, physical changes and things like the first kick...all the while thinking in the back of my mind that I would again some day reference this journal and compare notes to my second pregnancy. Well this post is not going to be a sob story, but rather a NEW chapter in Team Ulin's life. If you would like to read about our journey click here and it will give you more than enough details on how we ended up from point A to point B.
Why the opening quote? Because I feel that the adoption process can be just as much of a blessing as a regular pregnancy can be. You must look at all of the obstacles as blessings, road blocks, detours or re-directions. After you CHOOSE your own happiness...you will start to SEE the rain :)